About Us
The Meat Market started out as Mueller’s Meat Market, owned by Marv and Gene Mueller. In 1989 the business was taken over by Mike Vold (Mueller’s former lead sausage maker) and Ron Hart (Mueller’s head Meat Cutter). The two owned and operated the plant for 18 years together, when Ron passed away unexpectedly. In 2011 Mike’s oldest daughter, Michelle Brinker, joined The Meat Market team. A few short years later her husband, Drew Brinker joined as well, becoming one of the head meat cutters. In March of 2014 Mike decided to expand the business and open up a retail shop in the Wisconsin Dells. With the help of his other son-in-law, Kaleb Becraft, The Meat Market of Wisconsin Dells was opened and has been a successful addition to the business.